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Integrating Psychosocial Development into Coaching Sessions

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Event Information

Date of Event
11th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
11th June 2025


Wednesday 11th June
Carnegie School of Sport,
Lecture Theatre 3, Headingley Campus, Leeds, LS6 3QS 

This event aims to explore how sport coaches can integrate psych / social assessment and development into their practice. You will have the opportunity to discuss existing practices, see samples sessions as well as plan and deliver your own session. 
This event will be football-orientated; however, we feel it would be suitable for any coaches interested in psychological and social development through all sports. This event will also be useful for those involved in the leadership and management of sport programmes such as; academy managers, phase leads, heads of coaching and coach developers. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration fee (early bird)£25.00[Read More]

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