TENNIS LTA COACH NEW 2024Info Course InformationThe new LTA Tennis Coach Qualification is an 11-day qualification, comprised of nine days Core Training and two Electives. If you want to make the move towards a career in tennis coaching, add coaching individuals to your repertoire, or just upgrade your coaching to the next level, this course is for you. During the course you will: · Gain a developed understanding of observation and analysis and learn how to use this to drive your coaching sessions. · Improve your players’ match play via match charting, statistics, goal setting and game-realistic drills. · Study and practically use the tactical and technical fundamentals that drive coaching knowledge · Understand the basics of Strength and Conditioning for tennis and understand how to implement them with players of any standard. · Practically apply a framework that will enable you to better coach players with a disability · Learn how to build a tennis programme, including how to develop yourself · Take a deeper look at doubles coaching: roles, considerations, and patterns. In addition to the 11 days training, you will complete circa 43 hours of remote coursework: · 15 hours on a Player Development Project, improving a player over a period of 8 weeks · 10 hours of Qualification Experience · 10 hours of online units and tests with Subject Matter Experts · 4 hours of demonstration and feeding tasks · 2 hours spent on the ITF online library of coach education · 2 hours on a Group Coaching Task Course CodeTENNIS COACH 11DAY Course LeaderBeckett Sport Education