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Businet Student Conference 2025

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Event Information

Dates of Event
9th March 2025 – 13th March 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
5th February 2025


Businet is a non-profit transnational education networking organisation, which has hosted an employability themed student conference annually for over 20 years. This event is designed to allow attendees to learn, network, interact and work within international teams with students from other countries and cultural backgrounds. Together you will hear from international experts on subjects including employability, self-development and experiential learning. At the conference you will develop a wide range of key employability skills by working collectively on small engaging projects. The conference is designed to challenge and ultimately enhance your self-confidence, emotional intelligence, intercultural competency, teamworking, leadership, self-reflection and other key employability skills and attributes. All of this takes place in the beautiful Belgian city of Antwerp, which is famed for its fashion, jewellery, art and maritime industries.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration Fee£299.00[Read More]

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