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ISAK Body Composition Assessment Courses

Our theory and practical based body composition assessment courses are accredited by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). 

Delivered by an ISAK (www.isak.global) accredited level 3 instructor, our courses follow the official anthropometric accreditation scheme of ISAK. Once accredited, the ISAK certificate is valid for 4 years. You can undertake your re-accreditation at the same level or complete a full course at a higher level. 

ISAK Body Composition Assessment Courses


ISAK Level 1 Course - Technician restricted profile anthropometrist


The level 1 course is designed for those required to collate anthropometric measurements and skinfolds. On completion of level 1 you will be able to demonstrate adequate precision in 4 base (anthropometric) measures, 8 skinfolds, 6 girths and 3 bone breadths and demonstrate a basic understanding of the theory of anthropometric applications. The level 1 ISAK course is delivered over three consecutive days (typically 9:00am – 5:00pm each day) which includes the practical examination on the last day.  

Friday 4th -Sunday 6th April 2025

Course Fee:

LBU student/staff £320 
External £400 


StartEndCourse Fee 
APRIL 2025
04/04/202506/04/2025[Read More]

ISAK Level 1 Re-Accreditation Course - Technician restricted profile anthropometrist


This course is for anthropometrists who have been ISAK Level 1 accredited previously, whose certificate is about to expire. You will be updated on any additions and changes to body composition assessment. The level 1 ISAK Re-accreditation course is delivered over one day (typically 9:00am – 5:00pm). You will join anthropometrists on another Level 1 ISAK course, where you will be provided with updates, the most up to date ISAK manual, an opportunity to practice and undertake the exam. 

You need to provide your name and email address registered with ISAK and the date of when your accreditation is expiring. If your accreditation has already expired, the instructor will need to check your status with ISAK and then inform you of the next steps before booking – please email humanperformance@leedsbeckett.ac.uk if you require assistance with this.


StartEndCourse Fee 
6th April 2025
06/04/202506/04/2025£150.00[Read More]

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