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Delta Fee

Delta Fee


Students on the PG Cert ELT & Professional Practice or Route 1 of the MA English Language Teaching can also gain the Cambridge DELTA qualification.

Module 1  - £121 .00 
Module 2 - £151.00
Module 3 - £85.00

Modules 2 & 3 Feedback Report - £47.50

External Candidate (not a Leeds Beckett Student) Admin fee - £50* 

*External Candidates are also required to pay a £50 administration fee for entry - please only pay this admin fee if you have been asked to do so, adding to the basket before the module)

Please note: You should only pay any of these fees if you have been asked to do so. 

This prestigious professional qualification for English language teachers confers TEFL-Qualified status as defined by the British Council accreditation scheme.

Admin Fee




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